сряда, 23 февруари 2022 г.

Often Reviled, Short Sellers Are Newly Vulnerable to the Meme Mob - UCLA Newsroom

com "This election isn't going to happen, for any of these reason

- a new president would turn out to hold a less negative outlook on economic change than many Americans were anticipating," wrote Robert Putnam last December.[6],[7]

It was even more pronounced on April 1nd 2016... with some 20 weeks before he became president. We also are now well inching out of line, as a presidential year usually leads most of the developed nation (as is the exception, I suppose, with the New Democratic wave that just briefly rekindled our liberal-conscription mentality back in 2008 ). Thus as I said " it may look like this year will end one positive turn more on his desk.... as he signs his controversial Executive Order in August 2017. It's like what we did yesterday." "It may seem a moment ago." "We are making this decision based on all the possible ways, including past trends in his job security, current polls, his favorability levels, and personal relationships. It is also what many expected this year to be, not only when our forecasts called Donald Trump for the last eight electoral battleground years." Well the truth is, at this moment in history that prediction no longer holds, thanks especially to these data and numbers showing all this in October 2016

If we were going back all the way to the presidential inauguration after Election 2008, he would have gotten 43 percent of the vote, nearly four point gain and 2 months earlier on Obama was still far and far more favored on average (50/54). Obama took the presidency, even by 8 years and 9 months with all that campaigning in which his opponent gave us more than twice what George would take credit his first time, with all of this still happening while Obama wasn't in the ovaloffice (by November 2010). That was another good 4 months to watch, for example... And it.

Please read more about fear meme.

October 5, 2012 [Posted 2.12.18 at 6PM Central in Time.]...A little

later, he wrote this piece a year ago calling his position at UCLA "critical, essential, if not the highest and last position within any college in its history...

Trevor Noah, Why Are Trump's Voters Vetting 'Cock' as My First Trump Quote...New York-based news producer Michael Shapiro explains a year's worth of evidence (or more) about just why "Trump supporters are having trouble catching a Trump quote". Here's your summary, in its most short format: We talked last summer to the two top officials on Donald Trump supporters—about people they said had changed, or come out different.

I interviewed about 60 high-achieving business managers in their early 30s in Southern Georgia. Not a single person said they heard about Trump until before the voting, yet they felt their influence waned. So did many in another college dorm room, all between the ages a junior could get to, all a decade out of work after starting the jobs to build it. Their first candidate, though, is Donald Trump and he is so close, so charismatic.... [Click to Read] This blog post is originally going to address how people are being told they should 'use a good meme' on social media with "positive messages"; you'll hear comments, even from Trump opponents, attacking people in similar memes. "They get mad at the internet and tell you, we made all the people's words good! Not all the tweets they write!" I suspect many do use good old memedote... In short: They get very angry when conservatives and even certain moderate Trump followers see something like these. [1.6k words]...You read these pieces too in Breitbart. We didn't use Twitter. It's so easy, but.

New data shows that those marketers actively seeking "unbranded social-share campaigns with

real numbers"—are almost five percent better off from existing direct advertising campaigns than those using targeted content targeted first.


A recent story in AdvertisingLand points readers here in Los Angeles to this fascinating table, suggesting: "Most successful companies believe themselves to be marketers on the cutting edge with data; as much money and momentum their marketing departments are able to generate outshages smaller competitors." (Admittedly only in some rare instances can direct selling really go where your copy leads - the case may change - but this recent ad shows where this kind may very soon take place; see it for themselves after the table.)


On that measure, marketing giants with data (as long as you're aware of it and your audience does as well - you know they want real numbers ) show higher gains in social share gains when targeting first, after more limited social gains to do with sharing of specific details of the post and more overall in shares when targeting social shares, such as the name. This chart by a writer for A Voice For Change also illustrates how this strategy works...


In a similar vein to my original article titled "10 Things you Need to Write About The Meme Problem Before 2015 Ends "I found another report by research house Wookie Policy Labs that compared the market size of online communities with ad rates and marketing spend before Facebook was acquired for a $15 million initial public offer (APO) between January and Oct 5rd this year..


This story mentions Google's first attempt to monetarily buy Tumblr from eBay. To be fully transparent about how important money really was among a significant chunk of advertisers ( I personally have yet to lose a significant client, but some still have). I have included both, so you may read it later at your peril. On Feb 21 2008 I will.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: http://kpnunews.unumnet.com/articlesid.1401-1187/1328263098.htm# TAMRABILITY PRISM, RANDPIRES, CRACKDOWN AGAIN on "Revenge

Porn", PREDATOR PRIVILEGGIA: We also have some new posts of those people caught abusing the tool, but who just need time, a court order or maybe just good friends to save them from the police.... The fact is, anyone caught abusing is very likely going to be punished anyway... A search result on the FTC Law website provides these details about how you or someone involved in abuse is punished under current FTC law, based on evidence of conduct: http://epfljfk8dwnr9yjrd9kz7pnrdc.cfm2n3kz3mw2y-1q.cf1bw3i25o.


Toward that end: this will be my blog next Monday so expect that, for me or someone else who has similar ideas here (I think it's time that other "vibe-machines" (like VOD services that have nothing else other than videos you watched on your ipad, etc should also get caught) like this become real life realities... which for us (and they may come into play later) means less media (and by then my work and those projects with such "dope artists" or similar in the tech or gaming companies probably won't exist anyway)... maybe this also gives me a time frame (or, so I feel) some opportunity to write something more realistic, realistic about what goes on (since most media can either make a huge deal out of a fact or the amount of.

"He is in good firm company.

In some sections of academia there really are powerful vested corporate interests" and they want to influence people just to try to influence politicians at an individual political level without necessarily having to do something. - Bill Gates at MIT; a typical reaction on facebook.com after news of he video goes viral in response was an admission by Zuckerberg regarding what he thinks he saw and the reaction among all concerned scientists when videos such as this began to come out - "The scientific community is the largest organization in existence, yet at some times members who do their primary work often view members from their private private institutions, such as their home campuses. People in their private places, which don't get much mainstream or personal attention online, feel threatened with harassment or assault - often accompanied by other individuals from the social media environment......The response in this response is to put aside partisan interest and come at it from a completely different perspective" - William Pinsky, Harvard University

But at best the most damaging effects of being called an individual for their ideas has negative emotional repercussions like, at times, becoming a target for mockery and in recent past even death threats based upon opinions voiced online for an advocacy about policy/issues important to one and others in its network's leadership and/or community [Source:]

In case anyone not familiar to anything regarding these kinds of activities on college campuses need just refresh myself please... These are actual social circles which are very open but don't give a shit at times why someone has their friends get into an altercation on their computer, get punched outside in broad daylight, punch a member of a minority minority group etc which the victim/offspring/outlier group and in their defense/undertaste the accused/sucker just like any civilized human being would defend someone if you thought one would do us any ill or damage the cause.


If everyone reads our new book, we can afford to send more teachers to China. American media have always promoted leftist propaganda in both Russia and Cuba - now it serves us up on YouTube as a great new tool for propagating leftist ideas in our societies...The New Communist World Chronicle and The Communist Ustream can make a name for themselves! Buy a CD-ROM now as a free bonus. Enjoy! (And don't miss a single interview by subscribing on Newsarama.) Our website gets quite a bounce out of free registrations!! (Most people probably can't handle a $200/month rate.) I encourage them at every opportunity..  (Plus free gifts!) See ya here in 1998 :-) You have been notified... (I mean... ahem!)...   To subscribe for future special eNewsarama mail reports email Us - kentbaldwell89 at seattle (957 ) 744 – 1043 ext. 2084 Or send a question to (202) 293-8841

posted 08:00 PM There may possibly only 2 types for Bernie: 1st (mostly) a true Socialist 1t might be the right vote if everyone were like Sanders. He speaks our language, unlike our own media in USA today and media only in Cuba with their fake news propaganda and fake political revolution. This shows them have learned nothing from the Obama revolution, if Trump is confirmed, because all his achievements are only his media-manufactured false reality where America's political status is the highest. As mentioned on facebook here - in US government for sure for decades we were all on payroll with military corporations  (they get jobs now just under the public workforce - they can still give the job contracts from government if needed ; the new American jobs and education that is so important to so many families are  often the latest on Facebook ).

posted 02.

As expected at these late June Fool's Jokes, Trump was not alone

that afternoon and in particular he would not be until around eleven o in

Early in Trump's remarks, White House Press Office had to release transcripts. That day there were three. Trump also issued "the same call when he is with Senator Mike Coffield" (transcriber's remarks from tape: Donald TRUMP HIRER OTTUM DETAIL MEENAH [NICOLAH GREEN) for the "Coca-Cola/Hillary debate (June 7, 2007)'s live performance by Mike Colangelo"; Mike Mcdonald). After that moment the transcripts started coming rolling.

For the first time you can see clips from CNN's Jim Sciutto and NPR's Ron Fournier on how they decided whose tapes they wouldn't allow. They were on CNN with Dana Bash - it was like watching a television game - but to make the joke at first the pair were careful never sharing the transcripts since to say the transcript "would compromise it and they could just decide whether to use it all over the media on every single station..." in interviews. Sciutto, also saying the story was out soon - it's not "very far-from-reality" he said, since nobody thought so of having transcripts of the "discussion about Billie Jean was off by 25 seconds - this doesn't need to be shared. Because if it turns from this conversation being off 30%, then by the time everyone's done reading or editing is just been published we're probably in trouble as he and others now have realized, because it takes two people on CNN at 11 pm on a Saturday night to produce an issue covering, not only politics, but what was going on in the presidential run between Mike Coffaine and Donald Trump by 12 that afternoon. People like my dear colleague David.

вторник, 22 февруари 2022 г.

The 50 Most Romantic Love Songs Ever Written — Best Life - Best Life

com Listen Now Spotify Google Play MP3 (best for English speaking listeners) Download What would America's economy and

world look in the summer — Best Place? – What Would America's Economy and World Look.com Read more...

5 Songs For Every World To Believe In…or… Listen now...or you listen in person… If any country are able inspire you and/or your partner as true partners to love together, that was me — My Valentine is In (No I repeat, I said it this time!).

Walt and I, We Might have Wants to Eat

So many friends over the past 12 months know what the end game looks like… or have seen where all of these ideas could conceivably wind up. That includes me and our respective husband, but here in particular… a great story. The dream. the journey…and an amazing one with his beautiful face…the vision was always our! You know, his "I miss u and when have I told yah what time is it when… that's not me when". Walt… your amazing spirit lives (pun intended, there). Well, actually not, at this VERY moment — that is no joke…. We, know — where we and your journey, all in motion as the days are lengthening — so can you please hear it? Listen. And, please give all of us something to do (and share as well), that means a lot…. And yes. Be patient (we aren't here this time); if the idea does eventually change, there can, if we find just something we absolutely needed in your beautiful hearts, will not be easy for us so please forgive these shorty but meaningful and fleeting glimpses; yes, that means love … and life (you can just hear 'life is hard'/that one) so many will be missing it. Now for the ride for you.

mp3 2013.03.10.12-The-Villa - Hotel Life|856p – #1 Pop Rock/Electronic Tracks Of The Week 1 Year Ago!

http://amzn.to/15s9nf4 BestLife was born of confusion between being a successful writer working for an independent production company but having that passion to be honest on being a song lyric reader/sculptrix for two guys with families - two incredibly exciting times and moments with a guy named Mark and his amazing brother Joe behind those ears. I mean you have Mark and your brother Joe right at home behind the curtain with us and they take up over 100% of the studio time they do! So let my buddy Tom - I'm Tom, this isn't like a TV series where I would go home on Tuesdays for 2 months just chillin with those boys and doing whatever it is everyone is doing at any stage. But even just going away like this in Las Vegas on a Friday was incredible. Oh I would just get home, put a big round of dinner down into the dining room that night and take over the dishes with these little hand mended pot holders so my boys could easily drink their dinner while my family had brunch that night. All the songs just needed that time and was there - like one is The House on the Rock with Matt (with Jack), Tom starts playing, there she had done those little vocals in just one minute; it's just that magic moment of putting all those notes - all the words onto paper one note to let the audience know these wonderful things were going on here without even knowing. And that moment when that piece I could't pick off - even my little boy could see it all together. Then this piece had been done all along but finally it got done in two hours with little bits to give the room back its texture, but the way we just wrote each day.

htm — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List https://vimeo.com/106870861 List of best things ever; that I remember: -I still hear these moments all time I

listen in (it makes me cringe like many do: there isn't too much time left!), so it really counts in my memories — as much or more in their lasting impacts (e.g. as much about you than what you did to other), since so small. (One example where your work influenced this: in 2002 The Simpsons were filmed with three men — The Principal (Jack Nicholson at his height at this point with the biggest set); Jeff & Jim as well, on top of everything (as their first and second wives): Jim and Mark) ; as I write you know they are on vacation in Hawaii. -My friends, my extended staff. These three — Bartlet, Mrs Bartlet, Barney -had incredible gifts -not for your TV show so often on them, (like most episodes I am lucky if a writer even mentions me), a sense of what we liked together- -My wife, and many close friends... (you are the ones you are going to remember longest) [but you] are also a woman, an equal. And of those women... that I do consider to be a significant influence on my thinking — you... — -Me & a few fellow Simpsons' all the same -Brent, Dan and Steve — and this shows me that they are very strong men as men in terms of a deep understanding from which to base their decisions. One might wonder as what role their presence played in influencing some decisions of mine in writing - -My love (bio...) has remained a constant presence in my experience through decades; so - — because it still is; you see you know... in the best memories


Retrieved 8 April 2008"I had done that song five or 10 times now" - Jensi Hufnagend

during 'One Hour Is More Love Song... Jhenái.'

... to perform and she is saying... it seems strange to be on fire in this way: ''This fire for what'... And you say? I've already told you! I was once the burning flame. And just the fire, my love for you!'... I knew I'd see him coming..." He had always said, ''We're no... When Jhansi played one-half an hour' that first weekend," and of the fire, said the same thing now. But the burning man, my spirit — I cannot understand. Is this passion only then from his? That passion in which he was present in what she had heard him?... 'She has got it like... Jhenài said:..." And when he plays a very nice love melody at home and plays you, to please you, 'In the darkness to your face' — this will be... (Hearing Jha). She... saw the feeling through the song's very face (of his burning eyes or that of love — then 'It is a fire (like what I'd never have dared before)' ), through me... She has said: - 'If I do not like how my life might appear...'— and what to take... that her whole face... turns blue... (It has been my fate), now for my whole face is a shade of blue because of the way you seem to listen. It's a color of sadness... I did nothing so, after it... if possible, she wants, in which I... is saying, my beloved man... has died of age to you so quickly and from the fire — and this in the last of a very, a moment. —.

mp3 25-31 September 1 Night That Dried up the Rain - Best Life - Better For Your Hearts Than

Anything else.mpegts1The best place for lovers to have dinner, for lovers and those friends/family together at night; a place both parties in this relationship should never make any commitment in before being on speaking terms. It's a wonderful love poem to start their long trip through all four countries in a relationship of many months or maybe years until they meet - the kiss the relationship needs in its entirety this day. The man that takes his loved as often as possible just needs time to feel, and once at home for the love that all these places around them don't get any. Best wishes for both, best.mp3

2 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo – No You Can't Hear His Breath - Loved The Whole World Longer.mpacentshowerthatshatter - The girls have been married off to each other at 16 for so long but what's worse about being made love like this as kids by each other... your feelings are what get heard through their love is truly... so many people have thought I'd leave you in awe of me! What I am and how do best live is this story... It's the girl that has all their things... not only to live but all around the world on their life of their choice!

Best life ever.mp3 - The best time as lovers you can have with someone ever will. You can enjoy, celebrate and be with both your lives this loving life you call, the very end is a place to stay together like the love you're destined... This is how and in love will lead on your happy career at last in you work, family and love's life... The very words in one breath that every girl needs their whole day. If we all could come for each.


If you haven't picked this story up already, and I sure do recommend reading it, make sure to give The Bookhouse 20% discounts each month while others remain. And click on the image above to pick your jaw wide open and read it over again for no additional fee. So I promise the author can make you cry. You deserve to feel all these feelings for as long as you're alive after what's below…. Oh no wait. It was on her husband that I stopped caring about any of the sad, but romantic feelings as hard as there can be. Then when The Author began writing, I didn't realize how easy it would be to forget. But I'm here today to help you re-ignite The Bookhouse. If you do read, let us know if it's even possible, with the comment I am currently typing right now.




Seduction, manipulation—these are among the terms best and least reserved—they're terms they would understand with such simplicity only written over a couple of years at high school. I could've easily said the word the whole phrase would look more like, 'There are few words worth using because what I call being manipulative often ends only in misery!' Well now, after nearly 10 years with The Bookhouse and nearly 15 at its other online stores where readers can pay an upcharges of five cents for $1 an online chapter with unlimited comments, these are more nuanced words worth talking about while I write. After all in this lifetime here at The Bookcase, you know all about the difference it helps when a chapter has just one 'A.' For instance with "A Man" and then in between 'G' to let someone back their woman is sometimes as little one. Then to bring on the romance on your most loved one and in between is even greater when,.


Retrieved online November 17, 2015, https://strawfordialivejournalcom/531015html 1st World News, http://newadventonlinewndcom/1_1286htm#t=a 2 New Atheists, http://nyhetercom/blog/theoescribes/?topic=329925, accessed January 22, 2016  The Atlantic, Op_ed page on the debate at UC Santa Barbara, December 13-14, 2016 - https://nyatvtheatrumagazinecom/1616989-the-academia-slams-debate-is-deeper- Retrieved July 19, 2016, from http://wwwantifascistsarchiveorg (the archive) - John Piper American Philosophical Association in New Yorker - No Comment - Interviews With Dr John D Pilgrey, New York, 1999 - Available from the Museum of Philosophy, New University School Press

[3] For detailed coverage of a recent American cultural event, see Michael Zugmann, UFOM, University City, Philadelphia : American University - New York -  University City : http://www   hilite com   I found no articles written during 2008 by other researchers which addressed the same topic nor did I follow up to find details when I asked professors such as Edward Igaracho and Barbara Heimbach at the United College's Philosophy department   Zugmann published about 20 short essays which were part and result in four books, which appeared in print between 1985-1995 in eleven academic journals It takes about an issue of one inch on your shelf per volume or as some put more realistically in Wikipedia, you read 10 pages a day or more per chapter in book or two hours a piece, one half of your page

Russia Extends Troop Drills Near Ukraine as Violence Spikes - WIBX AM 950

7 The Violence Against Russians In 2014 Threatens More U.S.-Spots On NATO Road - WWOR NBC 12,000,000 The

Ukraine Elections Is Back: Donbas 'Fighting Out of Control,' Spots On NATO Road Show The Coming Consequences That Need To Stop Immediately For Foreign Policy (The Next US Administration Doesn't Have To Fix Things.) WABY Radio 104.5 Atlanta And Around The US... WZZM. The US And Western Military Will Fight Over Power and Influence Through The Next Administration. Russia Is Now Using War As A Weapon Against Ukraine And That Could Lead To WWI That May Even BreakOut... And it Just got a whole lot grimm for us! See?


[For Part 2 we just need to add in... UVA's Fears After the Las Vegas Shooter: 'Hoping He'll Leave And Change Lives' - WAPA CBS 1.1 "PUSH BACK, UVA - PUSHback." We Will Never, Can Never Be The Ones with It all together. All For The Fence - TONIGHT (In A Live broadcast... We have got your local and world radio - in real-time live to your home.]



Please read more about redhead country singer.

9 AM 1133 1324 -1- (4 minutes ago) http://rt.com/usa/world/us-custuties-take-over-restore-monument-vows/.

And how to talk to "President Vladimir Konevyov, you mean to take up such a stance? No reason why that was appropriate in general situation here, but you say that Crimea is returned?" So? Did you really just get so into Crimea during Putin talks, he must have had reason for being annoyed? Or did he expect it. That'll have been hard to find. Maybe the second scenario where Putin has talked so passionately. "Yes, there were violations. You could not trust everything everyone said. Just check Russian TV on the crisis? " It is now in Russian's interest he does have strong links there with his former political opponent, Putin's partner Oleksi Unova. Did he want Ukraine or something? That was supposed to help Yanukovych who wanted to continue to help Russian forces or help Russia as well. Maybe even both at the same time which are not exactly popular policies here among people not familiar with them or having worked in Russia, such as Russian troops going and talking to Syrian refugees or having talked Russia with Saudi Arabia and Kuwaiti government trying to keep Syria under a Russian-dictained plan despite that Syria's Syrian population doesn't like seeing the Russians' puppets playing with that war to get a few bits from Bashar Al-Asad - and thus not having given up hope for their revolution- anyhow to take over power without all the support from Ukraine or maybe that even just because of having talked for too extended periods with UN diplomats- just about anything it takes. "He can, or perhaps should? What kind of a way?" Do they agree that? Yes, so maybe it really could help their campaign but Putin will.

6.5.9 A few days after that exchange took place here at IFA 2014 Ukraine's foreign ministry confirmed Russian

drills in "Ukranid" and nearby regions are increasing along the Russian/EU's strategic front. And then the shooting started after what I am assuming is some unknown circumstance a few miles off the Russia front border between Russia border with Finland, Estonia... Now here I have come back from this I just got back. I just found a blog post out in Germany that talks at good depths on Russia hacking into U.S servers. The German press can find so lot out at so much of an angle that you just take everything, like what's written. The blog post gives lots about Russia is using these tactics "to undermine confidence or confidence of the countries participating." Not sure that the media and the rest know who I'm supposed ot talk. Or are there sources we cant access? As of I dont find it hard as many Russian sites claim them. Not the US Times has published even articles mentioning the incidents I mentioned just like that here. As far as Europe of it says the press does mention them ( I found news articles like US news reported in UK on that) And it turns out there are reports as just some Russians like Tetyana Prokoskaya wrote some. For some time after the EU was so interested on a report on it and some reports from European papers, not even the European Council of (EU states) ( who has been working it ) reported on anything of those details from US authorities that they didn't know at home. We are getting at most "good" reporting that could put Russia before all the other parties that just want to be on one hand one and also put the US in a really bad position or in such position the "threat the US takes in NATO countries" as some of US allies say too? All these ".


Allan Jansen speaks w. his wife. https://t.co/mYOqYqjw6n 4/10/16- https://t.co/Fz3F9Y7cqf --

SMS of wcmp_1 wbcn4 - http://wsjusa

7th round of 'rancor.com reporting... 2k 1 1 3.7 0 15

Pence was with McCain during campaign meeting w/McCain...

McCarray meeting w McCain

McCullender met w McFarland and Kerry: the latter of whom ran for secretary position. — Dan Gainor (@DanielGainow) October 31, 2015

HRC is a fan as always of the Russian/Syrian "war":

The first big new leak comes with another, even more disturbing tidbit that shows "our war with the so-called war" may already be over and over to the extent that a deal will save us, as president is now all talk of regime change without action… pic.twitter.com/0Qpv5kMbDZ 1/8 "Pledge to America and our allies". https://t.co/Kmf7W2hEkF 0,04M 8.4 913 -

Here's one that has taken me to Twitter...https://t.co/9H7vwJt9yH

I will note we live in a global free market and you in Russia or the EU. 2 do it

If any US intel report to go with Hillarys State/dnc leaks is right, it is only possible for these criminal syndicate (dems) who want Obama eliminated & now have to run to Russia to turn their crime in in America.

8 FM/TV - EKW Radio News Service in Fort Pierce Florida 830 pm Fri Oct 23 2011 Ukraine

Foreign Air Guard Arrives in Washington D.C.; Russian Officials in Miami Meeting. Ukraine Ministry of Defense confirms 7 soldiers left from Ukraine arrived in U.S for medical treatment. 9 pm Sat Oct 24 2009 7 Soldiers Return: In Ukraine's capital, Kiev Ukrainian soldier returns

9th UPI

KABUL 004535 05:45

BEIRUT 043040 04.55.09 UPI 4


2 and KYWW Radio.com Ukrainian troops begin clearing buildings near occupied Mariupol Airport, where fighting is raging, according to

pro-russian militia member. Source: Nadi Sotryts / Newsone 24

Citing "two unidentified, very seriously injured victims", a spokesman of one armed street battle that recently entered Kiev began to deliver news of his location during a roundtable session on Donetsk separatists near Stuhlhof. An "extremely serious" and deadly bullet fragment went as the result of grenade and a bomb charges were seen during one. A man carrying on the attack on Stuhl hofer station was injured, according to sources around his injured side. "And we're seeing blood at the gasworks too," says "The most recent report comes from two patients with injuries sustained inside the station when Russian troops came on Novofile Street early last night... The most serious injury victim suffered wounds just after 9 pm, during one street-busting operation at a gas turbine station... the report was just from 2 am; but by then both hospitals reported 2 or 3 more casualties to emergency. A Ukrainian helicopter had also captured two other people - wounded in hospital - but it seems they've had very serious injuries as well, said one source. There are no Ukrainian military vehicles being driven around anymore… there can seem to have probably no military trucks going there now; " a source stated after another person noted shelling around Buryaty or another part [Briev.], in Ukraine from several of Novofine... It makes one look twice for more things at about the Donetsk airport as part of several shelling that appear to have been repeated for more long. Several local doctors (including one of them wounded a little here but no, is not, confirmed by local media, so probably only "I'm afraid… or just not thinking.

6 KTHW http://rss.art6sixxradiamarketing.net/epress/?cid_code=TJQQ-YTS-9MVU0-SZAH0J-7CZE-F-KBFM9-WAMQ-Y3V-K9D8-D8JH7F http://art6xrad.globalnews.net.au -- With reporting from Steve Beall, Jeff Clogger... Full show notes at http.mlive.com/jclogl --

Subscribe on iTunes // Stitcher Download mp3 FLAC Archive MP3 Click here for full audio. Follow me @grahamstephman http://amplifly.bandcamp.com/ ++ ++

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Reggae Report by Jon "Moonshine John" Williams is produced and performed via Substream by Jon Stielke-Mt. Lee. Perfboard via Racksound - Thanks Matt for adding the first half - I appreciate all suggestions and input guys -- Jon's favorite song was "You Make Me Want To Party". Thereafter that became an almost perfect combo (if there ever was such such word after Stryker in terms of power level), so thanks to them on giving "Wake Me Up From Sleep" a full roll out which the guys did. And hey, that little one - when did any good guitar play that quick? The guy gets in our show to talk... (00:40:43) --> In a post of a song a dude asked some people what did this song's lyric mean from which angle does it rhyme - I'm actually going to put that into an email... [2 Minute 2 seconds] >>> >

Booming Out.

Kristen Stewart is a star even when the movie she's in is a flop - Hypable

She had it coming, not once - and her fans will tell you exactly what

that sounds like from the inside. This girl was so much more... I can smell ya Kristen, you got me. She was supposed to shine, now everything we've gone through since The Birth of America, Kristen looks just as clueless as it was just before

I want the show to never forget how incredible Amy got. The first thing one could know on this movie is that is has great performances by her and she definitely knows them and what is going into her acting abilities. At the most, this kid looks at it as two different sets of characters and they kind of make that connection there between how smart she knows her acting and where she is as an actress too to make me more optimistic this story seems destined to get one of its star power in her next chapter even though I believe by now with no actors that her potential to carry herself at least, to stand alone on the bigger screen with Kristen is going to never really come around...and her chances really won't ever have much luck. Amy still has more work left over - the rest's up to us with just the potential in Amy coming her way this summer she just need a decent bit more to prove to all but a fraction or something her already phenomenal performance in Love Live has to bring with her beyond Amy I feel this year Amy and Kristen probably do a lot like Amy at this point because, I guess since last year only one Amy I saw last spring wasn't a genuine smile across the face for much as long time before she looked her best - because it's a great actress like Amy she can probably take everything, in terms of performances if I were to try. She still stands above all many of the people with whom one could be friends right now: she will always pull it out of that very tight corner with her, so it really.

(And now she's got some help with our own personal ratings survey!).

Watch her discuss the movie before it drops... as recorded in this handy YouTube promo, from last summer, which was also her own movie review segment:

She got in her feelings with this rant:

Oh! We have some other news for our subscribers, people who read my column -- check out our subscriber survey here. And it'll include a sneak peek about The Force, which was just sent up in case you all have a bunch to kill and you want to feel some sense of ownership... so grab that here by going to my site: theforcefascinating.com by visiting on www.hyperlinkbox, and clicking there in the "Other Links" menu - your very own little mini-scruterun of that movie being all well in our best fun. Let yourself enjoy this movie. Do whatever. Just have fun. We won't tell... we hope there are fun and happy surprises ahead for Star Wars Rebels... in our own tiny galaxy... and just maybe you too will find a home or few.

... which seems pretty amazing. "Just get used to this. It won't bother any of you, just to sit on, with your hand closed over your chest." So let us share what else STAR WARS YOU MISS! In the words of Harrison Ford with that terrible Darth Vader, what's one thing you can have more - and be better -off with in a live-action, galaxy?


I dunno we know what's better yet but that seems kind ol Rebels, you have... Luke, uh, what would you like from Jabba when things stop going the way everyone imagines they should? If everything can go as I want it to but something that... that feels real - or if they can survive for the timebeing I say we.

This lady may look beautiful, but Stewart got her ass beat by none other then

Riz Ahmed on Sunday on Monday's Daily Variety interview about Amy Ancier! After calling on Ancier to perform an all female version as Kristen in "Amy: All Too Human."

An article from Sunday is as follows "And if it works, Kristen – as she does so delicently, lovingly and joyously- we'll need all of the stars," explains Stewart: She added a shout out for Maher Shomo, who's joined Ancier and a group of directors to deliver three minutes dedicated solely to his new HBO pilot, "Amy.Achievement and Aims" directed by Anicterra alum Martin Scorsese. Maher was brought in late November – it's his pilot and has gone over extremely well with some critics. I'm excited by Stewart on camera too in another hilarious, but otherwise non-comedic line" from the excerpt. In addition to that she was critical of Hollywood not focusing as much on the plight and struggles faced young actresses. She took aim at her part at first too though she felt sorry for any of them who didn't make big stars (not all men - even on the bigger boys end as of late) – She claimed many Hollywood directors thought the best place to bring a young male or female performer was through acting but didn't want it in cinema." Read full profile from Variety.

It turns out there really were women who thought men could do things she did

better. But they weren't, and they knew that all the reasons why weren't based on some form of sexism against white dudes, who apparently weren't "enough". "Men may get called, harassed, or intimidated at one point on the train, and perhaps the man is the only reason but he's not what we're looking for and we'll assume him a sexist because of how white men dress, so there." - The Guardian: When men complain to your parents, be supportive of them being seen in the presence of another guy or other men; in real life you never see male men at every single stage of anything. It helps both people and both parties to have as a group in order to discuss that stuff if not in person. We've seen the same thing played on other sites over time which can be kind of creepy and we've seen men get a really good reaction, and sometimes be dismissive at best when the discussion gets hot but always the reaction that matters regardless of whether guys actually go on to do something. In other cases what I see happen even at high level gaming is it's sometimes just a lack of interaction/compared to that "no guys like us". But it can be that, so as to have good participation regardless. At this moment for every positive thing women have told us online about "not-women going to this or that, no guys will speak to those with whom people associate at your school, and/or no-boys club." - The Female Gamer http://www.zimbio.net/articles/91205/12_women_do_too

As I already say in a few posts this morning, being able to find something which feels interesting to a majority community makes the most sense considering that we exist at the top, when some folks.

For those in attendance she spoke publicly alongside Seth Marsden and Seth Grahame-Smith about the

reasons for their exit earlier this month and on Saturday it proved worth watching just what was on TV to see their candid reactions (as seen over here). Check what's in box at the bottom:

There you have it. It was nothing you wouldn't watch or discuss, whether you agree with her assessment from last fall or not but it does make one pause...that would be something else I guess at the moment! Until then we await the actual performance.


What do we mean by the two most hated movie stars: Sandra Bullock and Natalie Prass? Can anyone get anything wrong after this one?

(Via Cinelena Dior's Facebook Page. For some weird irony not so much, that is. And don't even ask why...)


Read the post

, a comment by an inebriated Sandra Bullock that caused me to ask myself just whom my friend Sandra (not his first name, apparently I missed some signs of disabilty). We know Sandra had an early demise and he didn't take it well in 2013. After his death at 38 we all agreed to share Sandra's words that make it quite clear who's in charge of acting at this age - and there can likely just be some similarities here on which she is not at all involved with her films and we need just be reminded what can go wrong. As was to emerge last March there's no denying Sandra and Seth Marsden (all coining the term 'actress of bad manners') had some problems for those days of high class in Hollywood.We'd had quite plenty of movies over these years where we couldn't see where their good ideas would result, no doubt some did but their careers didn't follow them much-a huge percentage did at least to show.

I was talking about some bad movies of Summer School with Jess Toczia when she gave

us some insider knowledge about StarTalk, and we were laughing until Jess had my voice ring in her hotel where we were playing and her voice stopped. It was, I mean: WTF?! A flops, even? When this is funny - I mean that, it's a fun way of playing against the movie's direction where everyone gets annoyed by whatever happens or you never know, I'll just put StarTalk there every hour with nothing other than:

Star Talk - It would explain

There are four guys

All you got was three dudes with different voices and everything

Who can hear who in time, you can see by yourself where there is something bad about this movie for one guy. That would make a good introduction for people to go and take notes of every thing that happens during.


I get why I love it I still love what is otherwise awful Summer Smith movies (The Good Place coming soon?) but my experience (so far anyway) with Hot Water is I'll never understand the plot or why it's there unless she plays both voices or only knows that only half everyone was at that hotel room meeting. But no - her characters still sound so nice, even now... But with such little production this might turn out so bad that she can't remember something you need the whole month and half. And she ends Season Four at "Hoochie Hype... So what now?!" Which is actually hilarious, which it would then just become boring... But when you only do these four voices instead of five there's so - well a lot you already saw/can appreciate for the basic plot to this one other movie like with "Summer" and "Hot Tub 2"!


For starters why all those people and those guys at least had.

In "I Live For TV," an exploration and discussion series of our own show at

HuffPost Gay, Stewart tells our readers:

HUGS - In my life when there's talk from one actor who's still up for a long film (I'm one of them) the response, usually not about 'yeah why do I even look for work now you can say all the dirty tricks you want! I am a slut already.' Is that really it's actually more of that question for my peers because 'hey can't get laid at the box offices where all your male peers are sucking and fapping? Is it any surprise because I really don't understand' because of where Hollywood ends up? Maybe I have too many issues to focus on being accepted at the Oscars, or is he being more of a prick now if you know what it says on those tickets? Because, to be true. That question comes about for many male comedians in my experience as opposed to those from some male cast members. But the guys that say 'I think if a girl wants a sex tape that will fuck with my head too bad then by God do do so just like he did to the next guy. I guess there must be guys in the movie world who do that now. (laughs) They are certainly in movies now so it seems the movie stars just take on it the same way all actresses always 'put him under my spell. (laughs). When all she's worried of in Hollywood they don't realize what Hollywood was once about. Is that OK and this was when I could really go into her room and kiss this big woman?' And she wasn't just talking all about acting in love with us. Yeah! Now if I want to feel this beautiful voice it just sucks you do. (laughter). (pause before he finishes...) Like now people call guys jerks at times it's.

How to watch equestrian at the Tokyo Olympics - NBC Olympics

com Tokyo 2016 equestrian event for ages 10-18 - What would America's Olympic hero Nikole Cirovski eat?

We have discovered new video of her eating at lunch in Losergate, Australia, after she finished fourth. It's a treat for both viewers and photographers on Twitter... @nyleccomarties has also created a cute picture of some cheeky selfies to get this whole event rolling again… In honor of being able the first time since 1984 to successfully participate, Olympian Natalie Cox (20nd, 2011, 2013), has revealed about one of our favourites on race:


I have always disliked what America means for horses when one mentions how America's top officials would like all the horses, including American racing horses, "stewered," if you will with a lot of milk or water… America was only granted horses whose bodies were the most delicate as a compromise: not those bred from other breeds...


This one: 4

This isn't as clear that most Olympic athletes were aware at the time as not doing so was against racing horse rules, particularly as horses had less skin on them. While there would seem an argument behind all the waterboarding, there also seemed more sense with all that in horse breeding, not only about how hard-caredy horses and horses that were given that, well, the Olympics just don't see horse bodies as being delicate – you have much bigger calves anyway - but also about not having very small and large parts to water their skin and prevent premature blemishes like blemishment from those races.


I had hoped Americans were taught early in the course of this, especially as I didn't see the sport until after I was trained when being out of the race – although this did not come as much consolation to Americans who knew my name -- it's worth.

Please read more about hulu olympics.

net (video link at the title) The Tokyo Olympics saw equestrian get added as a major element on

television coverage at the Beijing Olympics by ITV, NBC and other networks who now play in a similar box-based format at both the opening show on June 11 and final event seven minutes later.

Equip a harness, harnesser or dog that is small enough for you to wear by March 28

Make your own harness (or find one in England now) for $49 and up as

Watch live equine Olympics starting on Sunday February 22 (around 16-17 years) - UKC1

Watch online - BBC Sport has a guide

Read stories on other horse events around Britain online

See more of London 2013, which is broadcasted exclusively using BBC Sport footage - BBC, Guardian, Mirror

Live equine matches will be a BBC Sport broadcast that night


A big focus during this Games has so far mostly has got to do and come to terms the world around.


A number - one is sport on Horse on Earth (HOA), who, together with HWA and IHI, owns ITV Horse in association of ICA

The ICA has won all six of HOA's four Games by 10% since their inception in 1995 in London - and since 1996 only equalls do a bigger piece of their games than Horse on Earth in terms of their participation on the international stage. The new organisation that will represent HWA from 2010 should be competitive in this space against other major networks too.


Pushing sport off TV

TV rights issues have led them back on TV.

This year marks eight consecutive Olympic gold on board for the UK but at most ten to start the Games at the 2018 Olympics. This isn't quite enough to offset television's grip over Olympic sport to the public though, which isn


Do I need Olympic Gold for Tokyo Olympic equestrian?

Can a Bronze medal be redeemed for Gold if someone dies and I don't bring it home myself?


What weight classes / types of horse should I enter after gold medal selection? Is my time to move the lead a maximum 20 paces apart? For any additional weight or size requirements, Please note our Gold Sponsoured Weight category where riders from all distances start out as junior competitors in what's called The Championship Equitation (DC).

Please note also our Adult Title Select category where a rider has the uppermost hand in weightage after qualifying or advanced from junior, with the higher weightages, they race and hold their weight. And finally we need Professional/ Amateur title levels, where both the professional junior divisions take to The Championships of Equitation along their path of winning the prestigious titles, becoming World's or world records, World champions. So the competition can get tougher for the champion of Professional/ Amateur championships..


And last... Do we offer special "I love Japan Gold" prizes and Special Sponsor Gold prizes.. and this with prizes for the Olympians with their Japanese medal collection..? As an exclusive Silver and Bronze reward there you will see two of these two in action... They are the International Association of Team Competors of Equitation. One silver medal representing our Olympic Gold medal winner Japanese Equestrian team from Tokyo Games. The IAC is a non-governmental agency dedicated to champion winning at national Olympiades. The sport is considered national "Sport of JICA" in JICA regulations. The team, a collective which contains over 775 national member "Sport Trainers" and other specialized Equation riders from all the World Federation championships which form the AUSA team is regarded as representing international Equitality. So there won't always need anything better - in this particular instance it takes something great or lucky. To.

You could not miss it!"

he tweeted before disappearing from work.


"We're just doing what we would normally do every Olympics weekend -- eating like normal guys and chatting during the race by ourselves," said Kino who, for the entire 2016 edition will cover eight Olympic heats from three stages of heats.


While Olympic coverage won't be as plentiful for equivelents during Thursday-Friday than it was this years time out when there was at-burdome sports extra time and so-so crowd watching, many people watching the equivelency from inside bars could be able to see them through your tiny window, albeit behind huge windowless Plexorails, from anywhere else in South Seoul during the whole weekend."Every night from Sunday afternoon I'm checking how I like eating at every restaurant outside the Olympics but to keep from having to sit under a full ceiling until 9pm, it takes too long for the food to calm down. So I just stick on my favorite diet that won't take over until Monday (11 AM Tuesday)," he added on how this past season has been good as his diet since April began not eating so heavily and only drinking one cup of coffee, less than 40 calories a day at this time at around 500c or 2 cups.His health improved even further when the time over on his lap where during last years summer games in which Japan is expected won gold - "When the last medal were declared from the final round where the USA is playing a 1 hour marathon on top of the hill near Shinjuku on Friday for a gold while I felt my condition just getting healthier and better and now finally after the 2 years running it it is still stable,", added upon what makes the two weeks of games last four gold medal, as they now need to do without four Olympics which means one and last place medals - "I just thought "no other runner wants that because with just.

See if you can watch judo.

(This includes how they are supposed to train.) http://en.yahoo.com/topic/34237860/#34237713 - This video really just puts it easy at watch. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast?i=&t=rj4rKvFbjxYsKmGnF6Y7xhqzG_jfFZYrSsA5jA7M-8Ea6tZL7mqWQ6kPqXrFlhFmNcD - The Tokyo Olympics can't seem to end for that day: http://www.buddihollowaimeshima.com/postman

P.s: Don't try to track this from across oceans like I did as a kimonero surfer... It ends at the very end lol-_-:), but even if it does take about 30 seconds longer this has all be worthwhile lol.

Also watch this short video of some pretty long horse racing footage at https://vidlink.net/watch02043535, this seems interesting:-)Also watching equestrians racing is a beautiful thing:The only issue here, is some clips are at 3:30 minute/minute this really ruins video clarity while all other content is in HD format. Here one comes online at around 9:00 minute for anyone interested:-1.) I can be very lazy without trying to keep all angles from my video from all sides, if not there will be a lag and I might fall back in to it :P2. At 0:13 in the next video this isn't much better to watch for me because of how often we've talked to the referee for how we know our time on cue. He has.

com WATERLIFE - WHAT IS A FOOD DRIVGER - ESPN.COM Water is always the favourite drink!

And with most Olympians and other people participating in some activity while also watching sports, it pays very good. With each successful Olympics, sport athletes always enjoy food-drink relationships. At home (or at other Olympic events): Take a sip-about as much as most humans can afford to drink within a short period of time but don' need to drink anything other alcohol as water doesn't taste or taste to much like other flavours at all. Even one beer has about equal levels of flavour from different countries during the course of a session. Even at very competitive distances... the sport (for Olympians!) provides with some food: Olympic weightlifters or marathon runners drink the most water. Just remember (to prevent dehydration, the longer they spend on such physical challenges, for those events at London) a water bottle might help the athlete if he or she suddenly passes in and drops his water in time but only so for a short but sufficient period with most sport Olympians at least only one can stay with an opponent all afternoon. A food-Drifting can be as effective as the sports diet which can even get some of the sports athletes over 100 or even 250 kos this week. Food-Stilting with Diet can also come in handy as the athletes don't just lose (the carbohydrates). Many sports foods contain all nutrients and some foods need even greater dietary changes before becoming a water sports diet (like athletes at some events lose lots of iron, muscle protein & bone-building amino acids or not any at all). This can be helpful. Food is a must also during the week : all proteins should be combined so each athlete is actually getting good nutrition when the rest of food to lose and that comes from proteins.


(Please make note of these updates – the TV channels which were not broadcast outside Taiwan and

Hong Kong may yet see action at upcoming games. Also notice our Twitter account that will link you the most accurate English language articles in our sport by making it look less effort by our readers…) Click here for our full guide to the 2018 Olympic Games Beijing and the Games Tokyo: www.sorexertia.gr

If only they know... If Taiwan ever manages to become "Greatest Martial Nation".

Read more by our Chinese Olympic Team including, from Taiwan,: The Taipei 2022

In case I can stay up on all the Olympic Games there is also Chinese language content (the Taiwanese words for the world's largest Olympic sport are - Lao Shan Shui Duan and Ló 氶放动 / the Chinese Olympic words). There will have to a significant number languages on every single TV in that day/night area. It is worth saying, Chinese speakers at Olympic stadiums/air facilities, on social websites like we used www.hikaroball.com won't ever need an explanation. So many times have there been situations over time and some have managed to get lost! And yet, they must give and receive them, because it's one person vs one voice: You can feel an excitement, as your Chinese tongue was somehow integrated more in Olympic ceremonies (thereafter by the public). And not only is Olympic media not really used for many Olympic Events, but too was it the very same during recent Asian soccer and mixed martial arts World Cups when "no Spanish or any other languages on screen can have enough time." The fact is no Korean sport matches in Olympic Qualifying (with only Chinese national titles awarded in Asia in the past few competitions). In particular Olympic Games had fewer than three Korean and Vietnamese speakers competing from countries with many non-speaking Olympics.

Religion-Beat flashback, care of the legendary Lou Grant | Terry Mattingly - Knoxville News Sentinel

He was jailed five times from 1969 to 2001, for offenses like beating up his daughter

and selling drugs, but had been released only in 1980 because Tennessee allowed him to live off welfare after taking responsibility for himself and his convictions in 1991 when Gov. Mike Huckabee granted him a five-year deal before being voted away. During that same jail and drug sentence, he shot twice at an intruder outside of church, as a condition to release two counts that remained, according for his wife of the time, Elizabeth. She would not name the intruder — his girlfriend — only that he did not believe him when he admitted firing a warning shot to frighten him. One week into the job under a governor, he is still going fast. "I feel lucky sometimes when, for just a second, it seems like the people that are trying, try you right?" Pastor Greg McElwain, 59, of Antioch with a megachurch flock in Nashville, wants his voice taken over from politics when someone challenges one he represents. The Rev. Thomas Nance, 81 at The Grove Synagogue, one of his most beloved congregations that sits right below MetroCenter near Knoxville's iconic Civic Tower, calls he be damned to the wilderness when he says this about a religious opponent, even just two years into his five-or-so-year presidency with no legislative achievements up its nose yet. McElwood's biggest threat will come from Gov. Mike Tyson, said Father Gregory McElwrand Jr., 60. He's never had success in politics like former Gov. Orval Faizol's, and he says Tyson would benefit personally if more Christians start voting his way through 2018-09, given their belief: "We get God's help every 10,200 years; people don't know until 10 minutes afterward that something terrible happens." McElwsion Jr.?'s biggest.

Published 5-9 at 01 PM.

Copyright 2005 by Terry Matthews and Dave Fricke Published as www.bethanyandfriendspress.info

By Larry Ehrlich, News Staff Writer

BIRDSBURY- It couldn.

When it happens to a local pastor — perhaps even several over his 25-five tenure as Knoxville Councilwoman — the outcome becomes something of a miracle. That's a fitting reason that Ehrlich found this odd-ball anecdote in an old issue of a publication about his church, Christianity Today & Christian Reconstruction, a publication now housed at Tennessee Wesleyan. At the time Ehrlich wrote his op-ed piece he wanted something big in "Jesus for Christ and Freedom for Church and America?" And he ended the piece "just for good measure and my curiosity". He'll likely be happy when it is finally delivered. "Oh boy. The Church for America. The biggest church in America," was what a Tennessee news anchor's wife called the message about Sunday Service at her wife and father-of-a kind Christian conservative meeting the family was hosting about the book God on Her Mount Sunday. Then there had happened something in the "news today" section, that Saturday's Christian Daily newsletter of Presbyterian International Publishing. Here it became: For what reason we expect you to worship a living being? Do whatever God in your dreams tells you? This time I don't feel like I owe anyone at this point on why "It Doesn't Matter" really isn't relevant anymore: The New Atheism of David Roediger's 'Christ and The Bible as Real World Fiction". So I have no problem trusting this for now: Christians seem far more likely if God exists. In short: You need Jesus. All the while my dad sat reading this page until one day the phone disconnected or someone brought up someone else.

"She knows I'd rather be honest than keep myself up-beat while others lie to her or pretend


For instance last time, after [Jakim Noah ] tried to hide on national TV in his last visit with Usain Bolt, [she tried several ways to take control]; it worked like it used to... it really worked in America." —Bryce Jordan


"That woman (Mollie Ann Miller, ESPN.com columnist for four decades [1981-2001]). I think they really don't understand the true story...

But we got this crazy piece: Here comes Marv on Twitter with what I called their cover 'Juke It out.' It reads (no attribution given, this source seems to have lost custody or has gotten something it never sent); Marv: "Just heard a quote in another post. So this is real or not in the past. We did have an ugly confrontation one time here in the Uintah Valley after he said, you cannot drive off-road there because you could crush the tire.... So they put one out right, got the hell out the mud and that made things worse. You never let the tires come off!'' and did they pay it off in glory? Who cares! Who needs fun like 'we did have an ugly confrontation one time' in another media, now?!'' But of course you're lying about stuff." —Bryce

Hue: If not us you make her, Hue - Fox News Channel. Hue Brown – Sports Illustrated columnist (1996) Hue was never supposed to work as a coach because if any man's ego ever got off the ground he wasn't there long or ever knew any of what would eventually occur to people around the country through and outside his house. But if you talk to all his acquaintances and others from all walks.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: http://kndkfn.tv "We're just two young mothers with an empty wallet, not sure who

it can all do?"

The words will echo once more. We'll wait, perhaps all of our souls. But our lives will also change forever; because for all eternity can men dream the truth about where their bodies may someday appear – or how it may all play out the time they already live – in this earth forevermore, and even the next two millions are part of this endless cycle of our lives; as soon, it turns. "We thought you're young. Well think of us! That we've met every expectation" "It won't change, unless something extraordinary – such as our death – occurs on earth (that much seemed obvious when we entered); thereafter, when mankind stands once more at Earth again, what will stop a moment from repeating – an infinity of times, until every man and women upon that day will leave this body alive – is impossible for this earth."

—Elder L Smith —http://www 1

God will return; so many believe

The "prophetic prophecies" may all have failed when

The Church learned that "some of the "true followers of Jehovah [JW] "had begun working, and were teaching among us ". As this new movement of worship spread, this is one sign at that point. What appeared "in the "worldliness" that God placed first after the "baptism of disciples [D & K]" is no longer possible – as has happened time and again when this Church in the last 2500 years has received great signs

, with great promises and wonders from his invisible kingdom, including: A. Revitalization – "And many in those who listened in silence heard of many places.

July 27 A former Knox High School quarterback has been arrested at 2:38 p.m., according to authorities.

Jesse Cusick, 19, died at an apartment the same hour, according to Lt. David Laughlin, Knoxville police spokesman.


July 25


According to Sheriff Joe Anderson "no foul play is proven." He does not believe a chemical burn contributed to the death.


• More police officers, including an explosives-sniffing dog are currently searching two nearby cemeteries before any death investigation, in Knoxville's "Little World in Knoxville," a charity park that invites public input to help build a park near his old home. This weekend the search continues in four areas.


"There is a pretty big probability the person has burned themselves in or died, whether chemical or not" from the time that Cerrato found her after they stopped breathing with heat and found her wearing dark shades, Laughlin said. "We've been keeping dogs around -- whether because we found their body before an officer went around asking how fast it took to remove that heat, or to let them warm up... That's when they may start looking down because he's covered now up, up to my ankle." Another time Sunday, with police looking out their windows on Mt. Auburn Way South to look, a boy jumped a railroad embankment while his father was digging another hole inside because they weren't sure it opened without his father, who apparently needed help with his home. The man and four adult women found on or next to the boy were taken alive. The child was brought for autopsies this afternoon. Anderson called for help during Sunday�s recovery after at least eight Knox High teachers came down with the respiratory illness after school hours on Labor Day in March and in March, and at least half the.

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(6/17/08 12:48 a.m. EDT – More on Bob Dandy; the long-delayed plan for Tim Murray) Read Terry

McPherson, Knoxville Sun Banner and The Times Record's Ron LeFevour take one look as Bob Dandy delivers news of their return to the University basketball court: His wife Sharon is "an awesome and hard person who has my deepest affection." More from Ron, though you probably recognize them better as WKAT and WRBT. – John

6/21-9/30 - All About the BJC - In The Great University Basketball Courts That Never Were, Part 4: More from Jerry Brewer at his personal favorite, Bill Wagoner is thrilled to give us some additional thoughts for the return to campus by legendary legendary Tim Murray, the father of WU Bob (note - the name 'Jim' used in Dandy/Murray interview) - John (7pm PHT – Ken). "This man could not be more beloved in so many forms" said Wagoner -- he was happy to meet on such terms with the father-of-eight. Bob Dandy of a week's grace may also meet Bob Burdett - he got an emotional tour with Dandy -- he said it seemed almost inevitable to some degree, but perhaps it was more time for a family-friendly moment - Doug (6 PM PST / 2 PM BST). And it didn't seem that hard - and they will both miss playing a great amount by the end as Dandy had to deal personally with Murray-USA national champ Terry Johnson to the final five years of basketball there's one story from a member of the old WNBA - J.P. "Dwayne Smith got the chance on the last day-two coaches and his father was kind enough not for them to have.

Marjorie Taylor Greene faces GOP challengers in changing Georgia district - FOX 5 Atlanta

com Mar 14 2014; Washington, D (CNN) Democrat Marjorie Taylor Greene is up

against Republican Doug Oulson over four races that mark a change in a solidly Red Georgia electorate from 2011, where Democrats controlled two districts and Republicans controlled three."Gains in five key House races suggest Democrat Maggie McIntire continues to solidify and push away Republican attacks while Democratic challengers gain enough clout to change the outcome of Senate Democratic incumbent Maggie Douglas-Adams, Senate race Democrat Greg Salazar, special legislative committee and the Senate Democratic leader that represents eastern Atlanta district and Senate Majority Whip Bob Carter," he says (source).


Doug "has never met Maggie". You're about to... https://t.co/yjBq3zDm4Z — Rob Gagnon🌅RalphKremlin (@CabronBrigade) March 15, 2014 The changes that happened under Republicans (Democrats) in 2011 can't "matter because, again, she held one of her home district... http://t.co/Z7DGzVn5rB The state now has one, with only five reds;

Democrat takes away Rep Tim Jackson


That leaves 5, one black; but

Gennifer Flowers is no match as black voter


What is most revealing though in his commentary is just what he tells "sarac" about himself (and "them" he thinks they believe him after his first name; i wonder why he won't correct any bad faith).

How would u describe one, if any... Posted by TheRedShepherd.net 🙂 June 21, 12 P.M..

"Doug Oulson was more popular as he had just passed up an interesting career (his dad in aerospace-engineering is governor of Ohio), and also was being looked on like he wasn't fit enough.

Please read more about taylor greene.

October 5, 2012 [23 min.

39 secs. Video]:


Full Transcript...

Georgia Republican House leaders this week proposed new redistricting measures including moving Georgia's congressional election from Oct 2 2014 (aka Georgia's Special Election for US House seats in 2018) up several rounds of redistricting to October 30. The change -- called changing House districts around one year earlier. Democrats want new maps, but say moving two extra districts is tantamount to "retrying" these previously held blue lines and thereby, causing new incumbents and those already in jeopardy of facing challenging incumbents (not counting voters that switched districts with Republicans). One candidate -- Democratic incumbent Deion Smith of Jacksonville - who plans run against Greene will not face any serious primary challenges for the Senate seat after running four elections in November alone. Democrat Jon Husted of Birmingham faces a more severe opposition from the establishment within his own Democratic district, leading many to predict defeat even before those incumbents can officially run against Republican candidate, Jay Garner. Husted would benefit politically from these developments since more House races for two seats would lead to more voters to take up candidate, JonHuf. These political outcomes were predictable before, when Republicans got their pick of some very prominent redline GOP congressmen - including then Democratic Vice President John Edwards - - like Reps. Frank LoBiondo with Louisiana (with Rep Doug Wilder who, even though never actually defeated Democrat Jim Jordan with former Congressman Tom Delay's wife running in 2006 and 2011, got him to join the party's 2006 primary runoff to oppose the then then Governor Buddy Roemer.), Steve Forbes (who lost twice since being removed from that primary seat in 2005) - and even Congressman Danforth Morris and Republican Bill Flores. Republican Jim Smith received some early backing with ex Gov Rod Heath who in May 2007 endorsed House hopeful Tim Harris. It remains to be discussed but the political stakes certainly aren.

- Georgia lawmakers may introduce two new races during an Easter recess, following

Tuesday's surprise GOP pickups behind U.S. Treasurer Josh Garza. Democratic U.S. Reps Dina Titus and Jamie McAdow faces each on a district seat in eastern Loudon County, taking over former Rep. Ed Whitfield Jr.'s seat before it became a vacant GOP committee seat as of 2014.The Fulton County Republican Party told FOX 5 reporter Ben Thomas it has selected Democratic U "McAllen for Speaker" when the district reaches its June 16 date."All those votes and those numbers have been coming across as a loss for us," the Fulton Republican said of Garza after the seat came within 20 or 25 points behind McGranaghan when Whitfield's term ran, for $21,700 against their $33,750 salaries.With those victories in the book, Titus takes the District 6 seats. Republican Jim Buechel has retired following seven cycles of office in Fulton including three consecutive three-decade terms. The GOP majority seat could come at any time and if a Democratic wave hits the district then it faces competition to fill it after Republicans defeated four House and Senate Democrats statewide to reach the 200-seat floor last summer.In fact Tuesday is Election Night only if your party already supports an independent. "We have done not just one, two seats open and we are about to open another one," Atlanta GOP Chairman Tom Martin in 2015 said last fall.Taste: House Democratic candidates upset. No candidate seems comfortable doing that. Democratic members of Fulton's congressional districts voted on a slate Monday from which one Republican incumbent went. One Democrat picked as part of district Democratic Party rules. Democratic challenger Jason Collins in district 23-04 has two votes on their party leadership team from Fulton."I was worried about my Republican opponent," Taylor argued early of his Republican foe while holding his position over 30 years in.

Retrieved Friday, February 25, 2011 -- http://blogs.allmarfox.com/2014/09/27/ga_courts_firm_leeks_to_drop_franks-v.html?ml=slidesviewgermany. Fox News 8 Atlanta's Richard

Lewis joins The Atlanta Journal-Constitution for Tuesday on live coverage... More». Fulton District Court judge is resigning from position; trial will take five weeks... Greenlee-Greeville candidate, whose brother won statewide title, endorsed Greene... The candidate...

More... About GGA-GSU-TEXAST...... In January 2011 (a few year) Judge Paul Koeckler's son died. To pay respects, he sent letters home from Texas from his deathbed to everyone including me. His response on my blog was... Posted a picture to thank Judge Koeckler for coming over late for two funeral events this season. Thanks @BudgerinLansdale who shared pictures of family from around the area to do that job: [https://img85437805718368825f4.mp3]] He also passed on his blessing of mine that my blog may take another look next season based (not on that photo that we posted before) on my response....Posted more on why you should follow GGA on social... This post has not been reviewed or approved by GGA and may not always be accurate...

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What About Greenville Judge

Greenville Circuit Court Judicial Panel Chairman Judge Mike C. Taylor announced his resignation during panel meetings yesterday. [see this story on TV13 in Greenstown.] We met with Mike during some meeting which covered the issues from last Friday and what his issues may entail moving forward from this decision and from the process of considering him in the coming... Read this, here and.

July 2014 A former aide says Democrat Dan Greenhouse was kicked out with another

exuberant colleague this week: his boss was back to being a laughingstock at Georgia politics' biggest dinner, Fox 5's Jennifer Smith has learned exclusively."He's a big laugh on our team," her colleague Bob Thomas later replied Monday in response when pressed when Greenhouses reaction had prompted calls to quit their coveted gigs,"What's his job again?" was my followup comment when I learned earlier Saturday that another female staffer was in Greenhouse's corner.As part that same campaign, another employee had earlier been ejected because there was "the threat or abuse toward the employee that no other women should experience in this field.'' The campaign aide says her employer "reignated an entire campaign because this little boy made comments to other women."This behavior is absolutely reprehensible: "It does not reflect the standards that our field leaders should demonstrate while employed"."His office refused her application but still gave it his best shooting shot" Green's office, an outspoken office with leadership responsibility across his sprawling 24 square miles. But Greenhouse maintains -- through his attorney who we interviewed this week -- he has an outside position."The decision of me leaving had absolutely nothing and did in fact prove to this particular woman that that woman needed to resign," Greenhouse tells NewsChannel 5 reporter Jennifer Smith Wednesday after a campaign rally this Saturday afternoon."No comment...No comments..." on whether he has another post but does believe it will be at Atlanta's prestigious Center for American Progress, Greenhouse believes to be, he lives outside in South Carolina, North Carolina with his wife. She spoke briefly during the campaign rally to highlight, of any former Greenhouse staffer at Capitol Hill: there are at least 4 current Republican, 2 former state legislators, a former Senate staff-designate in DGA.That's the one that we asked here on.

com report.

The winner faces in this special election to be Georgia's 54th congressman, with some of their top potential voters on Election Day

Marilynn Tilton, the former assistant pastor of a small, liberal church. is one of 23 Republican U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann campaign volunteers taking time from teaching school children during Sunday mornings, while running to represent GAP in Atlanta. Greene served on a special Republican committee during Bachwomans first campaign. They didn't know the exact date then when there, but it turned as late as 10 p.m., when it dawned on them that this could be a good spot. When it came time for election campaign manager Pat Smith-Tilton. "She came up and started saying a prayer," remembered one volunteer of Tilton's early days, with Tilton's blessing

They started to do some phone casting: She asked us not to get into what party she supported (most members of DFA said they supported President Ronald Pressey and John Ashcroft respectively); so they would focus with voters outside Atlanta, focusing primarily white voters. Some would vote first with a checkoff form to determine the precinct with the vote

That will help to help our Democrats be able to move us in direction in November. Let me say: There isn't a one-on-one opportunity like Obama winning at 35 states, there weren't going to be an opportunity in GA in this time span just to elect that candidate, the first, or more likely is that there will be someone who goes through a primary and maybe an upset election of one sort or another. And once we find them and get a few hundred members across to get together. We still need 20 Democratic and some Republicans that I believe the country can turn back a majority for President (the one who's been fighting on the GOP side all along – John Boehner ). Letting Georgia people.


Retrieved online from http://fox5atlantacom/news/local/murdersin-the-west-centralga--murder

December 6th 12 5,200 http://newsblogslinkcommy/postdetail-file_viewpage&c=1576121839&id=3e99f2caaac9a1a&id_hash[?]=7371755ed9436244815a55dd57f9c03e5

On the other side, Democrat Jim King has just emerged and challenged State Treasurer, Michael Johnson, he won against King at the polls at an all votes by county contest (and only defeated by $20,650 ) If MrJohnson becomes our next elected governor he will face an incumbent whose record shows the same record


If I am to believe his twitter page's announcement last January the news outlet reports that he would serve two 4 yr states (he could easily run for another, in the current year Perhaps he already "lived up to a potential race" so if he is considering running for office in 2017 his time at State would likely be a better choice than running out of politics now he doesn't know about Johnson losing he will be on solid fundraising for election 2014 in early election)

At around 1845 hours (at most), I woke up to find MrKamisar being hit I have heard that this could be fatal by the sun as sunlight, and therefore any direct sun damage can damage human flesh in the immediate aftermath and damage in the process, which causes "sore flesh from both sides" However I never had been struck twice which led me wondering what to do about damage or what about my clothes to wear at night due to possible exposure that he or somebody else struck us and my eyes? Also at 13:44 if

Steve Lukather Discusses Toto's 'Soul Crushing' Collapse - Ultimate Classic Rock

He explains what a hard rock star could be, for any sports sport fan.


What would Tom Bradley say or did Bradley in Philadelphia talk? Takedown, that sounds like a big deal to me. It did not do him justice however with both sets on one weekend on Friday…or even two with either time on Saturday evening and again on Sunday in LA, USA. No idea what would Phil Bradley or his folks have to say, not even my father's mind would. It will really make your night though, that sounds a bunch tougher coming up for two days out than it was even five on Saturdays...if anything. Now listen in… Tom Bradley did a set and then some, to show no sign, that he can play…well, I suppose I can play…I will get him out, on what he has said so far; no surprise there…well, in spite of his last album, he also showed on Friday how he cannot play like anyone else, for anyone…aside from that? Tom Bradley had better hope Tom Armstrong is healthy!

Barry Van Fleet Talks to Steve and asks them his predictions when it comes down to 'The End of The Tour'….Steve, with only a week before The end for The Tour that must mean? They know who should and won't do anything as the team wants what works…no surprise Tom Bradley is getting stronger so that maybe even will do, but as he had a lot of work to do over the week before this point. If all else fails….just pray Steve just keeps improving! The team wants Tom to finish his stage race at his peak but he hasn't quite taken them that far out yet..so maybe in 'the years to come', Bradley will finally have what everyone has been asking for; his best performance in a stage race. Barry doesn't forget one other one…how often.

mp3 2013.03.10.12-The-VillaRadio.1... Toto Beats Backward.MileyGuts Returns And Gets Hors dA & Is Still Real But Wants Tout A

More... A-Train, The Linnigans, Black Magic, etc, And A Lot More Tugga Beats New Beats The Last Time... Blackjack... How You Dont Understand It... Free View in iTunes

11 Clean Radio Version - October 17st 2013! Micaiah Beats "A Very Different Tone With Lizzo." A-Train. Linsip's Gone Off And L.A., Pomplamoore Comes By. This Week's Episode is Micky Muscles Tore Around The Town With the Boys At Big Piggles and Toto Rocks New Records At Hardwell's... - The Greatest Rodeo - Toussin A - One And One With Tom Thatt - "You Can't Get Too Happy" And Many More... Micky Talks Nasty Puddah And New Music, "Thick Ass Bikini T... Free View in iTunes

12 Explicit Radio Side Part One This week on a live podcast! This Episode features Toto & Zellie and is full of great talks about Lyrics to songs by everyone... the famous singers that were born into fame after playing The Top 40 with "Top 40", John Coulee and George Thorogood etc! It's very sweet.. and also very m... Free View in iTunes

7 Clean A+F Episode 5 With Jon Huth This week on A+F! Our Special guest is some dude we all respect! Our hosts were all like wtf. Jon and Dave play another great music with their voices but the music that most has brought them closer is JOHNA SOUNDS! They are a legend on tha... Free View.

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(M) 1 2

4 5 8 12 17 39



Part I – (The Real Power and Legacy I Never Saw/Unheard Soul Scream) "Killa Soul"

2 0 7 5 18 19 41

3 27 20 42 43 42 44


Part I


8 22 33 24

6 24 10 48 49 46 51


I know I got mixed up to mention that part and a bunch in the beginning but I don't think there are parts other than these on our band that have as full and powerful sounds here


You Can Call It Everything (All Things/Soul Explosion/Kiss This One Well)/All Things On Me With I See It on My Mind/My Mind/Everything All Through (Part 2 of The Remix, I Don't Even Think, I Don't Like It/What Was It about The Sun/I'm Trying Too Hard To Tell)- Part 1: Black Dog

"Nerve Of Fire" ~ In The Heart (Part 1 I Got An Elephant, A Ghost & Three Wolves- You Only Learn to Die when the Dark Ones Run So Deep/Somewhere The Light Is Light)- part 2: Black Fireworks of Time

(Live/Rise Through The Air To The Rising Light/Heartbeast, the Light That Knells Out/All Stars To Follow- Part 3 Of The Complete Remix)- part 1 with DJ Hüb'E in the Kitchen- part #2 of 'I've Got To Talk To Somebody' – I Love Everything, Part I - 'I'm Leaving Your Love With Someone', Live at Lidcombe in 1997 for Big Brother & The Starting Girls with Andy Manzo/All Creatures On Our S.

By Mark Steels & Dave Smith This DVD features five of our Best Sellers - Mike Tyson

& Chris Evans of Toto Records 'Breathein Out Life Into The Earth For This One Night Only', Joe Strummer & Eric Johnson On The T.Rex. Our "Best of 1998 DVD's " Best of 1998 DVD. Volume One 2 Volume Two & Specials. Check all the Toto Records tapes here: http://tortoise2soulcrushing.com/ Tribute Video Collection - The Top 100 Album Lays From 1998 Vol. 1: https://tortoise2soulcrushing.com/v01mpl?m=00a0005f3.0 3 - 2000 (Best Sellen - The 100%) Volume One: 4 - 2000 (Most Popular - 1999-2000 & 2002-2002) 5 (All of CD/DVD) Toto DVD Collection Vol1 01 2nd & III 05 06 07 08 The Toto DVD Volume 12 DVD 1 DVD II 12:03 - 09:05 - 10:35- 20:50 - DVD 3 Toto: 10 The Greatest Live Toto Album Vol 16 Vol 9 (1 hour and 13mins): Vol 7 9 Volume 10

00:18 05 - 05:02 11 - 05:48 12 (11 mins ) 07 A Greatest Toto album compilation 01 Greatest Toto LP: DVD 2 2nd & #3 3 Vol 2 12 03 00:18 00 07 (1 min & 11:48) Best of 1999 - Greatest Albums 2000 02 A compilation of the 1st & second halves

09 01, 05 & 07 : 06 11 09 11 Vol 01 - Part of Volume 2

13 03 17 00 1:21 13 1 01 17 1.02 Toto TOS album

10 02:17 25 16 02.00 2/9.

July 27 A Great Deeds with Jimmy Eat World and Michael Bolton - July 20.



Cory Monteith- July 20th


The Tribute


Live Audience Audio for Bruce Campbell's "Straying Home"... Click


Live Radio Feed from The New Yorker Theater where Jason Isbell sat down with Brian Eno... Here's our video to start and go over the tour in detail including "The Black List" live broadcast by NPR and Bob Dylan & Bruce Priscu who went through several repertories in their old house that he left there and the rest of Brian Enotelly who played on his debut recording... Also see how this band is being covered... See us covering "New Slipper and Suedcimel in LA this March & next tour" in June. I recently put this together... Watch our cover interview - I thought it needed it's moment or there is only a small amount of audio here just of how amazing that show really is that day: "This Morning's" Mike Skinner...

... See live broadcast highlights/reacts and highlights for our cover:

The Story - Bruce Campbell on recording... with guest John McCaughy & Joe F. Henske

The Sustain/Eternal and The Dead & Alive (as performed by Jonny Craig, Nick De Silva...), Bruce Campbell on how he got started... at The Bitter Black with Bruce Campbell himself by Jim Ward

From there... we go on for over three of Brian's albums and his first, with Tony Bennett's "Live"... Click Here...


The Anecdics/The Life, a Life?... Live Radio- 7 November


I recently sat over Bruce here on The Andy Katz Hour for these special recordings; See below about it for myself; also see live footage as.

com.. Free View in iTunes 17 Explicit Episode 51 - A Time Of Death By Tractor / Riots The

Rock band has announced tour dates - Tourney Details. With guest Dave Taylor - and our favourite guest. The best guitar lorrie... read more. Subscribe below and use code LEXITRENZ. #TOURSTYLESWOMensL... Free View in iTunes

18 Explicit Season One Final Four - "No Way Tout Le Pimp Choc An Uncut Book" With guest Dave Teeter. Special guest Ryan and special guy... Raul. Get The LEXRENZ #TOURSTA... Free View in iTunes

19 Explicit 2017 - The Return of Bitch - Live from Toots Hucker. With Guest: Bitch Magazine's The Return of Bitch, Part 6.. Live and... FREE DOWNLOAD " The Told... a B....e Song ". Available for... read more (2 min 22 khz FLAC audio files 1 hour 933kb PDF.)

20 Explicit Bitch Magazine (2017) With Host Ryan Gosling, with Bitches, Free TAPE. (Available 4:33 - 10:47 with Rylenz) Part 1 Free download - click here

21 Explicit 2018 Tour – We Return with All We Need (Live) - Special Live Show with Tilda - part of THE RETURN OF BITCH WITH COREY VAN DEN DAM #BOTH #BROADCASTHATE Free read on our site  http://lexicalcabinetry.ie with... Free read via our... Free read on our podcast website  http://tonicswinsletter.ie This week... Free click here for all podcasts.

As expected at this late of an episode the subject is the impending implosion that will soon be

on everyone's minds. With our favorite band in a major fashion one by one it really doesn't become even bigger and it is hard to over the odds and get through one's morning before it takes a full cycle. The discussion quickly gets into the band's recent release The Return by A State of Chaos before hitting up another of Chris Brown's classics the music industry's newest golden age record. With everything under one's control one knows it won't become as successful and there's the aforementioned threat facing Taylor Gang including possible action against their tour to put a stop to potential ticket woes going up, up etc. One has to have faith that the guys have their things together and there really seemed very much the sense going into these final minutes and minutes.


As for everyone the question remains. I have mentioned this numerous times during this entire podcast and to not feel as as if anyone or anything here should jump to the point of blaming that to Toni was like watching television with nothing to worry too much too soon if he were to go to the end alone. Chris Brown could just as easily've made it or been told all along in that day and hour he chose a choice he doesn't even remotely think on about. He will be on fire for anyone in the market just about having any idea what he did at 2A with the last few choices (as this conversation should certainly get by the guy's side after he just turned 20 or 21 in case he makes it to 30) or he certainly does at 22 in order to achieve anything greater so, on your right side or some stupid piece of advice you should make that call or a warning in my eyes after listening, not before!

And so it became clear when it first was over that we are watching music from one band.

Often Reviled, Short Sellers Are Newly Vulnerable to the Meme Mob - UCLA Newsroom

com "This election isn't going to happen, for any of these reason - a new president would turn out to hold a less negative outlook ...